I attended the Forecastle Festival in the great city of Louisville this past weekend and had quite a time.
I went for Dr. Dog. Or as Velocity Weekly calls them, "America's Gomez," which I don't think is a stab at all. I dig Gomez, as well.
I was able to be front row for the show that started late, due to sound problems. The sound check was very short, much better than Groovatron, but that's later in the blog.
Dr. Dog came to please.
Their infectious tunes and soulful singing woo you in close enough to blast you off with a steady stream of rocking out. My friend, Eric, said they reminded him of the Who when they "went off."
That's good. That's great.
I was pissed about the sound problems, though. But, like the true rockers they are, the band persevered. Periodically throughout the set, the guitarists, stage left, would go over and ax kick their shitty amps that were shorting out without missing a beat. It was so rock and roll.
I can't wait to see these guys again.
And now to Groovatron.
What the eff?
Okay, there's this movie Electric Apricot, by Les Claypool. It's a mocumentary about jam bands. There's a scene when they are in the studio and the drummer, played by Les, takes hours to tune his drum set. There might also be in a scene in This is Spinal Tap like when they sound check for like hours.
Any who, Groovatron spends twice as long to sound check, as they did to perform. They all sing, I think. They shouldn't. Their music sounds like Frank Zappa throwing up on Miles Davis. And that's putting it nicely. Their vocals could use a complete overhaul, and by that I mean stop singing all together. I saw this band on a campground at a Phish show, once. That's where they belong, campsites. Free campsites.
Their "fans" were the type of college kids with semi long hair, maybe even dreds, still wearing hemp, and probably tripping acid thinking they are counter culture. Kids are idiots these days. I guess they need a band like Idiotron to lead them.