Wednesday, July 29, 2009

One Chance and Many

A supernova exploded once and created worlds, yet another supernova exploded and destroyed more.

A person once fell and split his toe open and learned a lesson about picking himself back up.

A person once fell and decided to stay down since that was so much easier to do than trying to get back up and risk falling again.

There are unlimited avenues for every scenario in your life.
Why aren't you exploring them?

Are you exploding or creating,
are you falling or failing?
Maybe you don't know?
Maybe I don't know?
Maybe the answers are falling with the snow
but you're just too darned lazy
to get out there before it goes.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Afterglow

I couldn't sleep last night.

And I have had trouble sleeping lately.

I had a most awesome weekend, which might have contributed to my insomnia last night.

I took Unisom and still woke up at 12 A.M. and didn't fall back sleep until about three.

I had a few ideas so I flipped on the light and wrote in the notebook while sitting up in bed.

The ideas were not that significant, but as I threw the notebook and turned the light off something significant did happen.

I was leaning over looking up at the compact fluorescent bulb that was just turned off and I noticed a faint glow. The room was dark so I could see it perfectly.

How many times does this happen? How many times have I not noticed?

I took a moment to reflect.

The after glow means so much.

It was as if that moment in time was still there and had I not seen the glow I wouldn't have noticed.

What is it in life that we do to create an afterglow?

Even if it is just for a second, how have you done something lasting enough to keep that moment frozen in time?

And if you have, has anyone noticed, or do they just roll over and shut their eyes to go to sleep?

Starting to day I will be seeking the afterglow.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Is it worth Knowing

You can't stop yourself from having one of those "moments." The moment that you try to put your life into perspective. You evaluate your place, your position, your progress up to now.

I couldn't sleep last night. Maybe it was sleeping in from the sick day I had to take or my restless legs or pondering the "moment."

I still feel sickly today at the office.

It's cold and I am weak and speaking quietly. Here's a poem to reflect on:

It's so cold
in this office.
They keep it refrigerated
to slow the process
of decaying flesh
and make the ominous odor
of the stinking dead
less noticeable.

Some are too many
some just not enough
maybe we are in slow motion
and the only ones conscious
are we asking the world
to feel sorry for us?

Considering the content to be so dark, I only want to brighten your day. Take light knowing I'm exercising an artistic freedom at the moment.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Feeling What I Should

After careful consideration last night, I accepted how small we are in comparison to the universe. The following is the first of many poetic thoughts reflecting those feelings.

Look at us
a speck of dust
on the surface of a planet
with a core pressure
3.6 millions times
what we withstand.

A molecule,
of a grain of sand
blowing in the wind
pitched around
across a desert
thousands of miles long.