Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Circular Logic

I will now face the truth.
I was not made to amass wealth.
But am I to be a vagabond
for the rest of my life?
Is it so important
to do not what makes you happy
but what makes a living?
A house
a dog
a wife
and kids
Roth IRA
your health insurance
you will pay.
If I am to risk
and face what's worth risking
is the answer my happiness?
Could I be
just another spoiled person
wanting to feel
valuable and important?
Am I finally reaching
the time in my life
when inaction
is slowing killing me.
I can only hope.
And hope I hear is more deadly.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Singing of Swans in everyday Speak

Sometimes the language of our everyday conversations can be so singsong.
Take for instance:
She was a swan...
just not yours.
She was not a swan...
she was a duck.
We thought she was a swan...
but now we know she's not.
Don't you know...
that you need to find a swan?
Your swan.
It's not fair to anyone else.