There have been some significant events in my life lately, but I would like to comment first on this one. Yesterday my father ran three continuous miles in the blistering heat and humidity. Last year he was only able to run about .6 miles continuously. The pace was slow, but steady. I would look back at him and I saw it was hard, but he kept trucking. In the past two years my father has lost over 50 pounds and converted his life to a much healthier one. Yesterday he confessed, "A few years ago is was aging and my body was breaking down. Now, I'm becoming healthier and stronger each day." What an absolutely astounding perspective. My parents have been slowly changing their lives. They have seen what I have done over the past five years and have been inspired. On Memorial Day I ran a mini marathon (13 miles) a few days after having a 101.4 fever. My parents and girlfriend were there at almost every water check in cheering me on. They saw what the human body is capable of as long as the mind is willing.
Well, the mind is willing with no end in sight. I have crossed a major milestone and so has my father.
Next, I have a very menacing milestone...my future.