Friday, August 28, 2009

Spring to your Feet

I started having night terrors in middle school, or at least that's when I became aware of them and could rule out nightmares. For those of you that don't know, night terrors are psychotic smash ups of dream and hallucinations that come about in mid sleep. Normally, the terrorer is awoken with extreme fright and anxiety due to an immediate false doom-thus the terror. In most cases my terrors related to insects and snakes covering my bed or my room and I have to get out immediately.
Sometimes I would wake up and rip my covers off the bed and the pillows too, or I would run out of the room. In any case my heart pounds as adrenaline surges through my body and I have to catch my breath.
Last night at 3:30 I had a night terror. In a dead sleep I dreamt that I could see through the eyes of something entering my house and making its way to my bedroom. Terrified I sprang from bed and wrapped my blanket and sheet around my arm in one motion. I swung open the door to meet this entity head on in the hallway. Seconds later I realized that I was standing alone in the hallway with my blankets wrapped around my arm, heart pounding in the middle of a night terror. I calmly walked back to my room, fixed my covers, and lied down in bed. Whom or what it was I can't say. It was something. I haven't been that scared in awhile. The last terror I had I just sat up and felt as though I was having a heart attack. But this one was different. I was scared, but ready to face what ever it was trying enter MY bedroom. What can I face today?

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