Monday, August 3, 2009

Watching Comfortably

During the drive to work today NPR's Morning Edition really interested me. The subject was the time that humans lived in before artificial lighting and how this way of life resulted in what is referred to as "Two Bout Sleep."
Without artificial light humans endured up to 14 hours of darkness during the winter as opposed to our current zero hours, if an all-nighter is needed.
The researchers studied documents from that time period that suggested the two stages being referred to as first stage-dead sleep and second stage-morning sleep, with a watch or watching period in between.
So, are we waking in the middle of the night due to our ancestors sleep patterns? Or are we just so obsessed with being productive that sleeping is becoming a worrisome activity?
Regardless of your sleep stages, your worrying, and everything you can't do in a day comfort is my focus at the moment.
I experienced a new level of comfort this weekend that I have not experienced before. I laughed deeply and it set me free.
All in the confines of a relatively new situation with a furry puppy on my lap no less.
That night I slept wonderfully.
Comfort was at an all time high.
I dreamed vividly.
And the next morning came with the sun slowly to rise and dew thick on the grass. I couldn't help but think I was still dreaming. But I wasn't.
I had just slept a full night in the middle of the comfort vortex. It could have been the full dead sleep or the full morning sleep. I don't know. I just know that since then I have been in the watching stage and what I see is beautiful.

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