Monday, January 19, 2009

Arms/Alms Outstretched

Well, I guess some thanks are in order.
Let me take a moment to say, "Thank You, Big Guy."
I asked for snow last week, and sure enough it came this morning. There was enough of the white stuff to blanket everything in sight. Doesn't everything look a bit more romantic smothered in snow? And please, let me clarify, at first. Not when the city has plowed and the sand, salt, and prune juice have turned it into a filthy mess. It's the moments before anyone does anything about it. When everyone just stops and says, "Okay."
Luckily, most children were out of school thanks to Martin Luther King Jr. and the strides he took for civil rights. Not for me. I'm still working today, kind of.
Let me also be thankful for new beginnings.
For the opportunity to start fresh with talented, like-minded individuals, and enthusiasm for the ability to make things different.
You must start somewhere, and I'm glad to be starting here.
I look for energy and vision in people because that's what I have.
Thank you for that.
Thank you for them.
No longer will I let the "what ifs" disable me;
I'm 27 years old and don't have time to.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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